Community Calendar


As a public service to area churches and Christian organizations, Inspiration 1050 sets aside a certain amount of “air time” for announcement of events, which are of interest to all our listeners. We provide free airtime to not-for-profit and ministry organizations conducting non-ticketed events.


Community Calendar Guidelines

  1. CHURCH EVENT. This is a free event and/or where a free-will offering is taken.
  2. COMMUNITY EVENT. This is a free event with no ticket charge. It may be a fund-raiser whose total income goes to a project within the community.
  3. COMMUNITY SERVICE. Programs and services for which there is no charge for participation, such as homeless shelters, pregnancy centers, etc.
    Not-for-profit organizations or ministries sponsoring programs or events that do not fall into the categories listed above, call our sales and marketing department for information on special low rates. If interested, please call 513-533-2500.

If your event meets the guidelines stated above, please send your event information at least 2 weeks in advance.

Ready to submit your event to our calendar? Fill out the form below!

*Please allow 2 or more weeks of notice before the start of the event, thank you!

Submit Event By Mail:

Community Calendar
635 West 7th St., Suite 400
Cincinnati, OH 45203

By Fax: 513.533.2528

By Email:

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