Tune in this Friday at 11:45 am for our interview with Tonya Hunter, Author of The Quarantine Qchronicles: Encountering Positive Truths with “Not So” Positive Results.
Tonya says “Humanity exists internally and externally. Our three-part being is made up of body, soul, and spirit. Exterior and interior matter evolves in our body, soul, and spirit. Our humanity is equal! Our humanity is identical! Our solution is equal! Many circumstances and events that occur in life are inevitable. They encounter us in many evolving formations. It’s imperative that we are exposed to the variants of truth for our body, soul, and spirit. We will discover in this book that we can encounter and know profound solutions to inevitable happenings in our lives! Our Humanity is equal! Our Humanity is identical! Our Solution is equal!”
You can check out her book for sale on Barnes and Noble website by visiting https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/quarantine-qchronicles-tonya-rb-hunter/1140962824?ean=9781662841170
She also has two upcoming book signings this weekend!